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Thursday 26 August 2010

Will I end up like Sebastien Chabal if I eat enough Saucisson....?

So, what is it with me - I saunter into a French supermarket minding my own business, idly regarding the latest must-have LED or Plasma TVs, the selection of Johnny Hallyday CD's, the fantastic choices in back to school crayons and notebooks and then it hits me - that unmistakable aroma that instantly has me in it's grasp - I march up to these wonderful objects pick one up and inhale deeply - I'm transported back to Cro-Magnon times and suddenly I'm a hunter gatherer all over again. It's something irresistible and primeval, there's nothing I can do about it - I buy it, especially if it's the one with nuts mmmmmmmmmm!


  1. Just so you know... Pete wrote that ;0)

  2. You know it is very hot and I did say that I had let my personal grooming slip a little but that pic isn't me....and I don't think I have grown a beard....


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